How to Do a Backhand Push/Loop
The most common stroke in table tennis is the push stroke.Learn this one first and then concentrate on improving other aspects of your game.
1 - Start in your basic ready position, with your feet roughlyshoulder width apart, your shoulders square to your opponent,and your paddle up and ready.
2 - Notice the ball coming to your backhand and draw the paddleacross your chest.
3 - Keep the face of your paddle slightly closed. (Facing down). The more closed it is, the heavier will be the top-spin given to the ball.
4 - Push the paddle forward into the path of the ball. Lead theswing with your elbow, but allow your arm to extend as youpush the ball.
5 - Hit the ball in the center of your paddle.
6 - Push through the ball, resisting the temptation to slap,tap, or jerk your paddle as it strikes the ball.
7 - Keep your feet set, and try not to pivot your body at all.
8 - Finish with your paddle pointing to where you want your shotto go. Your forearm should be mostly extended.
Practice the motions of the backhand push without the ball. When you are actually playing, there is no time to think interms of step-by-step.Steadiness is the key. Don't try for too much topspin on thisshot if you are a beginner. The closed face of the paddlewill give the ball some natural topspin.
It is very important to learn this movement. Most players can make a good Forehand push, but some are not capable of doing a Backhand one. This can be very dangerous if your adversary understands that and starts distributing a lot of balls to the backhand, keeping you from attacking properly.
Don't forget: Always give the ball some topspin, both in backhand and forehand push, as you will be able to throw the ball with greater speed and still get it in the table...
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